With 2012 already here, are you thinking of your financial goals and resolutions yet?

Whether your goals are to pay off debt, save for a house, save for retirement, become wealthy, or open a business, you’ll find some of these resources helpful in reaching your goals.

You have probably heard of most of these books and have read them, but it’s nice to re-visit old favorites.

I love reading and every time I finish a book, I gain new insight and inspiration. Inspiration can come from many different sources but books by far have helped me immerse myself in the author’s point of view.

1. The E-myth Revisited: Why Most Small Business Don’t Work and What to Do About It

If you ever had an inkling to start a business, this book is for you. Before I became an entrepreneur, I thought that a lot of businesses made money.

And if you were good at your craft and had a great product, the money would flow in. This is NOT true! I started a videography business, knowing nothing about business, but learned it along the way. Even when people thought I was successful, I really wasn’t making much because of expenses.

This book dispels the Entrepreneur Myth, that if you depend on yourself to do everything, you’ll be successful. The truth is most entrepreneurs work very hard and invest a lot of time money only to lose it all and more. The E-myth will open your mind to a new way of thinking on how to run your business.

2. 9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Practical and Spiritual Steps So You Can Stop Worrying

As you may know, Suze Orman is a straight shooter. This is one of her early books and I found it very helpful for financial guidance.

She outlines how to get your life in order, pay off debt, start saving, etc. I also like how she talks about underlying emotional issues that affect how people deal with money.

3. The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy

I read this many years ago, but the points in the book still stick with me. Millionaires are not necessarily the people who drive flashy cars, wear nice clothes, and eat at high end restaurants. In fact, those people may just be in a lot of debt to look like they’re rich.

Real millionaires may go unnoticed. They may even be your neighbors.

4. The Wealth Cure: Putting Money in Its Place

I got to review this book last year. Are you using money or is it using you? It inspired me to reach for my dreams. You can read my review here.

5. Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with in Your Work and in Your Life

You can probably finish this book in half an hour. It’s a short book but has life changing advice.

Change is inevitable. What you do about will shape your future.

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