I had a busy week last week.

It was my wedding anniversary, a birthday party, and we had to go to the city twice to get my brake lights fixed so I couldn’t get a lot done.

Even though I didn’t complete some of these goals, I did manage to work on new ones.

I’m working on a mini-ebook to give away and sleep training my daughter.

I think I need to have the goals posted at my desk so I can stay on track!

I’m the kind of person where I get so many ideas and can start multiple projects without completing them. So staying on target is key for me.

In the meantime, if my daughter can be sleep trained soon, I can have an extra hour in my day.

Last Week’s Goals


1. Write and submit a guest post.

2. Make a list of blogs to comment on.

3. Switch email provider.

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4. Rework our budget.


5. Date night with the hubby for our anniversary!

This Week’s Goals


1. Write and submit a guest post. (I have to stop procrastinating on this!)

2. Switch email provider.

3. Finish mini-ebook.


4. Sleep train my daughter.

5. Rework our budget.

Photo Credit: Kevan


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